Modelos de Gestión del Conocimiento en las Instituciones de Educación Superior: una revisión de literatura
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Gestión del conocimiento, Instituciones de Educación Superior, Modelos de Gestión del Conocimiento, Revisión de literaturaResumen
La gestión del conocimiento tiene una fuerte relación con la organización de la información y su transformación en conocimiento, de esta manera sus principales objetos de estudio son los factores humanos, organizativos y tecnológicos que intervienen en el flujo de transferencia del conocimiento y su ciclo de vida. La incorporación de las prácticas de gestión del conocimiento en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) se ha acentuado en la última década (Quarchioni et al., 2020). También han aumentado los procesos de evaluación y acreditación institucional con los que se busca medir la calidad mínima aceptable en los procesos académico-administrativos. Así, los sistemas de gestión de conocimiento se convierten en herramientas de gran valor para una gestión óptima de documentos e información propios de un proceso de acreditación.
Esta revisión de literatura de tipo hermenéutica contribuye con la descripción de la gestión del conocimiento como disciplina académica y su aplicación en la comprensión de diez (10) modelos de gestión del conocimiento para IES.
Los resultados muestran que los modelos de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento en las IES son específicos a cada contexto e institución, buscan mejorar las funciones sustantivas de las universidades. La mayoría de los modelos estudiados son híbridos, pero requieren ser validados con la puesta en marcha. Se fundamentan principalmente en revisiones de literatura y estudios de contexto. Ninguno de los modelos estudiados se sustenta en una auditoría de conocimiento, ni se conciben para apoyar a la institución en los procesos de evaluación y acreditación universitaria.
Acevedo-Correa, Y., Valencia-Arias, A., Bran-Piedrahita, L., Gómez-Molina, S., & Arias-Arciniegas, C. (2019). Alternativas para modelos de gestión del conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 27(3), 410-420.
Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. E. (2001). Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues. MIS Quarterly, 25(1), 107-136.
APQC. (2019). Knowledege Management Glossary.
APQC. (2021). Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Tool [Website]. APQC.
Arisha, A., & Ragab, M. (2013). Knowledge management and measurement: A critical review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(6), 873-901.
Arvin, M., Akbari, M., & Moghimnejad, M. (2014). The Study of Various Models of Knowledge Management. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(9), 347-358.
Baptista Nunes, J. M. B., Kanwal, S., & Arif, M. (2017). Knowledge Management Practices in Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Literature Review. IFLA World Library and Information Congress 83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Wroclaw, Poland.
Becerra-Fernandez, I., & Sabherwal, R. (2010). Knowledge management: Systems and processes. M.E. Sharpe.
Boell, S. K., & Cecez-Kecmanovic, D. (2014). A Hermeneutic Approach for Conducting Literature Reviews and Literature Searches. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34, 257-286.
Brätianu, C. (2018). Universities as Learning Organizations: Challenges and Strategies. En C. Brătianu, A. Zbuchea, & A. Vițelar (Eds.), STRATEGICA Challeging the Status Quo in Management and Economics. International Academic Conference, Sixth Edition (pp. 546-555).
Cheung, C. F., Li, M. L., Shek, W. Y., Lee, W. B., & Tsang, T. S. (2007). A systematic approach for knowledge auditing: A case study in transportation sector. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(4), 140-158.
Chouikha Zouari, M. B., & Dhaou Dakhli, S. B. (2018). A Multi-Faceted Analysis of Knowledge Management Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 646-654.
Cuadrado-Barreto, G. (2020). Gestión del conocimiento en la universidad: Cuestionario para la evaluación institucional. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, XI(30), 201-218.
Daghfous, A., Ahmad, N., & Angell, L. C. (2013). The KCRM knowledge audit: Model and case illustration. VINE, 43(2), 185-209.
Dalkir, K. (2005). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (1.a ed.). Elsevier.
Davenport, T. H., & Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge: How organizations manage what they know. Harvard Business School Press.
Dávideková, M., & Hvorecky, J. (2017). ICT Collaboration Tools for Virtual Teams in Terms of the SECI Model. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (IJEP), 7(1), 95.
de Freitas, V. (2017). Nivel de Madurez en Sistemas de Gestión del Conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior: Un Estudio de Caso desde un Enfoque Holístico. Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología, 5(1), 82-102.
Demchig, B. (2015). Knowledge Management Capability Level Assessment of the Higher Education Institutions: Case Study from Mongolia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 3633-3640.
Elhoseny, M., Metawa, N., & Hassanien, A. E. (2016). An automated information system to ensure quality in higher education institutions. Proceedings of 12th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 196-201.
Fernandes, J. M., Pereira, A. D. S., Reis, L. P., & Silva, S. E. (2019). Knowledge Management in public services: A model applied in a public university. Pensamento & Realidade, 34(3), 107-124.
Fteimi, N. (2015). Analyzing the Literature on Knowledge Management Frameworks: Towards a Normative Knowledge Management Classification Schema. ECIS 2015 Completed Research Papers, Spring, Paper 51.
Girard, J., & Girard, J. (2015). Defining knowledge management: Toward an applied compendium. 3(1), 20.
Guevara B., J. C., Cavanzo N., G. A., & Pérez P., M. (2016). Framework de gestión del conocimiento (FGC) basado en capas. Visión electrónica, 10(1), 1-10.
Halibas, A. S., Maata, R. L. R., Varusai, M., Al-Badi, A., & Nouraey, P. (2020). Design of a Knowledge Management System for the Research-Teaching Nexus: Evidence from Institutional Audit Reports. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 17, 21-40.
Heisig, P. (2009). Harmonisation of knowledge management – comparing 160 KM frameworks around the globe. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 4-31.
Iskandar, K., Jambak, M. I., Kosala, R., & Prabowo, H. (2017). Current Issue on Knowledge Management System for future research: A Systematic Literature Review. Procedia Computer Science, 116, 68-80.
ISO. (2018). Knowledge management systems-Requirements (ISO 30401: 2018 (E)).
Kalkan, V. D. (2017). Understanding knowledge management in academic units: A framework for theory and research. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(12), 01-14.
Kulkarni, U., & Freeze, R. (2004). Development and Validation of a Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Model. Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, 657-670.
Lambe, P., & Tan, E. (2013). Knowledge Audit and KM Diagnostics—Workbook.
Lemaitre, M. J. (Ed.). (2018). La educación superior como parte del sistema educativo de América Latina y el Caribe. Calidad y aseguramiento de la calidad. UNESCO-IESALC y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Liebowitz, J., Rubenstein-Montano, B., McCaw, D., Buchwalter, J., & Browning, C. (2000). The Knowledge Audit. Knowledge and Process Management, 7(1), 3-10.
Meghji, A. F., Mahoto, N. A., Unar, M. A., & Shaikh, M. A. (2020). The Role of Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Improving Educational Practices and the Learning Infrastructure. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 39(2), 310-323.
Miake, A. H. de S., Carvalho, R. B. de, Pinto, M. de R., & Graeml, A. R. (2018). Customer Knowledge Management (CKM): Model Proposal and Evaluation in a Large Brazilian Higher Education Private Group. Brazilian Business Review, 15(2), 135-151.
Milton, N., & Lambe, P. (2020). The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook: A step-by-step guide to embedding effective knowledge management in your organization. (2nd ed.). Kogan Page.
Moscoso-Zea, O., Luján-Mora, S., Cáceres, C. E., & Schweimanns, N. (2016). Knowledge Management Framework using Enterprise Architecture and Business Intelligence: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 244-249.
Mourad, M. (2017). Quality assurance as a driver of information management strategy: Stakeholders’ perspectives in higher education. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(5), 779-794.
Nonaka, I. (1991). The Knowledge-Creating Company. Harvard Business Review, November-December, 96-104.
Nonaka, I., & Konno, N. (1998). The Concept of “Ba”: Building a Foundation for Knowledge Creation. California Management Review, 40(3), 40-54.
Noor, A. S. M., Younas, M., & Arshad, M. (2019). A review on cloud based knowledge management in higher education institutions. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 9(6), 5420-5427.
Ojo, A. (2016). Knowledge Management in Nigerian Universities: A Conceptual Model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 11, 331-345.
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura-Instituto Internacional para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe. (2020). COVID-19 y educación superior: De los efectos inmediatos al día después. Análisis de impactos, respuestas políticas y recomendaciones. UNESCO-IESALC.
Pantoja Vallejo, A. (Ed.). (2015). Manual básico para la realización de tesinas, tesis y trabajos de investigación (2.a ed.). EOS Universitaria.
Perez-Soltero, A., Barcelo-Valenzuela, M., Sanchez-Schmitz, G., Martin-Rubio, F., Palma-Mendez, J. T., & Vanti, A. A. (2007). A Model and Methodology to Knowledge Auditing Considering Core Processes. The ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, V(1), 7-23.
Pierre, A., Ardines, S., & De Leon, A. (2017). Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de conocimiento colaborativo en la Universidad de Panamá: Caso de estudio Facultad de Informática, Electrónica y Comunicación. Revista Científica Centros, 7(1), 1-22.
Quarchioni, S., Paternostro, S., & Trovarelli, F. (2020). Knowledge management in higher education: A literature review and further research avenues. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-16.
Ramayani, H., Wang, G., Prabowo, H., Sriwidadi, T., Kodirun, R., & Gunawan, A. (2017). Improving organizational knowledge management (KM) through cloud based platform in higher education. 2017 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 10-13.
Rubenstein-Montano, B., Liebowitz, J., Buchwalter, J., McCaw, D., Newman, B., & Rebeck, K. (2001). A systems thinking framework for knowledge management. Decision Support Systems, 31(2001), 5-16.
Sanchez-Puchol, F., Pastor-Collado, J. A., & Borrell, B. (2017). Towards an Unified Information Systems Reference Model for Higher Education Institutions. Procedia Computer Science, 121, 542-553.
Secundo, G., Elena- Perez, S., Martinaitis, Ž., & Leitner, K.-H. (2015). An intellectual capital maturity model (ICMM) to improve strategic management in European universities: A dynamic approach. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 16(2), 419-442.
Serenko, A. (2021). A structured literature review of scientometric research of the knowledge management discipline: A 2021 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(8), 1889-1925.
Straujuma, A., & Gaile-Sarkane, E. (2018). An Alumni knowledge management model for sustainable higher education and research institution management. Journal of Business Management, 15, 77-88.
Sunalai, S. (2015). Knowledge Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions in Thailand: A holistic model of enablers, processes, and outcomes [Doctoral]. Texas A&M University.
Svetsky, S., Moravcik, O., Mikulowski, D., & Shyshkina, M. (2020). The Design of IT Support of Intellectual Capital: Examples From the KM-Practice. En M. Evans & A. Wensley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning ICICKM 2020 (pp. 354-362).
Taheri, L., Shafazand, M. Y., Pa, N. C., Abdullah, R., & Abdullah, S. (2017). A knowledge audit model for requirement elicitation: A case study to assess knowledge in requirement elicitation. Knowledge and Process Management, 24(4), 257-268.
Tiwana, A. (2000). The knowledge management toolkit: Practical techniques for building a knowledge management system. Prentice Hall PTR.
vom Brocke, J., Simons, A., Riemer, K., Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Cleven, A. (2015). Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Challenges and Recommendations of Literature Search in Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37, 205-224.
Acevedo-Correa, Y., Valencia-Arias, A., Bran-Piedrahita, L., Gómez-Molina, S., & Arias-Arciniegas, C. (2019). Alternativas para modelos de gestión del conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 27(3), 410-420.
Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. E. (2001). Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues. MIS Quarterly, 25(1), 107-136.
APQC. (2019). Knowledege Management Glossary.
APQC. (2021). Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Tool [Website]. APQC.
Arisha, A., & Ragab, M. (2013). Knowledge management and measurement: A critical review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(6), 873-901.
Arvin, M., Akbari, M., & Moghimnejad, M. (2014). The Study of Various Models of Knowledge Management. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(9), 347-358.
Baptista Nunes, J. M. B., Kanwal, S., & Arif, M. (2017). Knowledge Management Practices in Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Literature Review. IFLA World Library and Information Congress 83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Wroclaw, Poland.
Becerra-Fernandez, I., & Sabherwal, R. (2010). Knowledge management: Systems and processes. M.E. Sharpe.
Boell, S. K., & Cecez-Kecmanovic, D. (2014). A Hermeneutic Approach for Conducting Literature Reviews and Literature Searches. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34, 257-286.
Brätianu, C. (2018). Universities as Learning Organizations: Challenges and Strategies. En C. Brătianu, A. Zbuchea, & A. Vițelar (Eds.), STRATEGICA Challeging the Status Quo in Management and Economics. International Academic Conference, Sixth Edition (pp. 546-555).
Cheung, C. F., Li, M. L., Shek, W. Y., Lee, W. B., & Tsang, T. S. (2007). A systematic approach for knowledge auditing: A case study in transportation sector. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(4), 140-158.
Chouikha Zouari, M. B., & Dhaou Dakhli, S. B. (2018). A Multi-Faceted Analysis of Knowledge Management Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 646-654.
Cuadrado-Barreto, G. (2020). Gestión del conocimiento en la universidad: Cuestionario para la evaluación institucional. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, XI(30), 201-218.
Daghfous, A., Ahmad, N., & Angell, L. C. (2013). The KCRM knowledge audit: Model and case illustration. VINE, 43(2), 185-209.
Dalkir, K. (2005). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (1.a ed.). Elsevier.
Davenport, T. H., & Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge: How organizations manage what they know. Harvard Business School Press.
Dávideková, M., & Hvorecky, J. (2017). ICT Collaboration Tools for Virtual Teams in Terms of the SECI Model. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (IJEP), 7(1), 95.
de Freitas, V. (2017). Nivel de Madurez en Sistemas de Gestión del Conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior: Un Estudio de Caso desde un Enfoque Holístico. Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología, 5(1), 82-102.
Demchig, B. (2015). Knowledge Management Capability Level Assessment of the Higher Education Institutions: Case Study from Mongolia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 3633-3640.
Elhoseny, M., Metawa, N., & Hassanien, A. E. (2016). An automated information system to ensure quality in higher education institutions. Proceedings of 12th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 196-201.
Fernandes, J. M., Pereira, A. D. S., Reis, L. P., & Silva, S. E. (2019). Knowledge Management in public services: A model applied in a public university. Pensamento & Realidade, 34(3), 107-124.
Fteimi, N. (2015). Analyzing the Literature on Knowledge Management Frameworks: Towards a Normative Knowledge Management Classification Schema. ECIS 2015 Completed Research Papers, Spring, Paper 51.
Girard, J., & Girard, J. (2015). Defining knowledge management: Toward an applied compendium. 3(1), 20.
Guevara B., J. C., Cavanzo N., G. A., & Pérez P., M. (2016). Framework de gestión del conocimiento (FGC) basado en capas. Visión electrónica, 10(1), 1-10.
Halibas, A. S., Maata, R. L. R., Varusai, M., Al-Badi, A., & Nouraey, P. (2020). Design of a Knowledge Management System for the Research-Teaching Nexus: Evidence from Institutional Audit Reports. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 17, 21-40.
Heisig, P. (2009). Harmonisation of knowledge management – comparing 160 KM frameworks around the globe. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 4-31.
Iskandar, K., Jambak, M. I., Kosala, R., & Prabowo, H. (2017). Current Issue on Knowledge Management System for future research: A Systematic Literature Review. Procedia Computer Science, 116, 68-80.
ISO. (2018). Knowledge management systems-Requirements (ISO 30401: 2018 (E)).
Kalkan, V. D. (2017). Understanding knowledge management in academic units: A framework for theory and research. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(12), 01-14.
Kulkarni, U., & Freeze, R. (2004). Development and Validation of a Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Model. Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, 657-670.
Lambe, P., & Tan, E. (2013). Knowledge Audit and KM Diagnostics—Workbook.
Lemaitre, M. J. (Ed.). (2018). La educación superior como parte del sistema educativo de América Latina y el Caribe. Calidad y aseguramiento de la calidad. UNESCO-IESALC y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Liebowitz, J., Rubenstein-Montano, B., McCaw, D., Buchwalter, J., & Browning, C. (2000). The Knowledge Audit. Knowledge and Process Management, 7(1), 3-10.
Meghji, A. F., Mahoto, N. A., Unar, M. A., & Shaikh, M. A. (2020). The Role of Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Improving Educational Practices and the Learning Infrastructure. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 39(2), 310-323.
Miake, A. H. de S., Carvalho, R. B. de, Pinto, M. de R., & Graeml, A. R. (2018). Customer Knowledge Management (CKM): Model Proposal and Evaluation in a Large Brazilian Higher Education Private Group. Brazilian Business Review, 15(2), 135-151.
Milton, N., & Lambe, P. (2020). The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook: A step-by-step guide to embedding effective knowledge management in your organization. (2nd ed.). Kogan Page.
Moscoso-Zea, O., Luján-Mora, S., Cáceres, C. E., & Schweimanns, N. (2016). Knowledge Management Framework using Enterprise Architecture and Business Intelligence: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 244-249.
Mourad, M. (2017). Quality assurance as a driver of information management strategy: Stakeholders’ perspectives in higher education. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(5), 779-794.
Nonaka, I. (1991). The Knowledge-Creating Company. Harvard Business Review, November-December, 96-104.
Nonaka, I., & Konno, N. (1998). The Concept of “Ba”: Building a Foundation for Knowledge Creation. California Management Review, 40(3), 40-54.
Noor, A. S. M., Younas, M., & Arshad, M. (2019). A review on cloud based knowledge management in higher education institutions. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 9(6), 5420-5427.
Ojo, A. (2016). Knowledge Management in Nigerian Universities: A Conceptual Model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 11, 331-345.
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura-Instituto Internacional para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe. (2020). COVID-19 y educación superior: De los efectos inmediatos al día después. Análisis de impactos, respuestas políticas y recomendaciones. UNESCO-IESALC.
Pantoja Vallejo, A. (Ed.). (2015). Manual básico para la realización de tesinas, tesis y trabajos de investigación (2.a ed.). EOS Universitaria.
Perez-Soltero, A., Barcelo-Valenzuela, M., Sanchez-Schmitz, G., Martin-Rubio, F., Palma-Mendez, J. T., & Vanti, A. A. (2007). A Model and Methodology to Knowledge Auditing Considering Core Processes. The ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, V(1), 7-23.
Pierre, A., Ardines, S., & De Leon, A. (2017). Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de conocimiento colaborativo en la Universidad de Panamá: Caso de estudio Facultad de Informática, Electrónica y Comunicación. Revista Científica Centros, 7(1), 1-22.
Quarchioni, S., Paternostro, S., & Trovarelli, F. (2020). Knowledge management in higher education: A literature review and further research avenues. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-16.
Ramayani, H., Wang, G., Prabowo, H., Sriwidadi, T., Kodirun, R., & Gunawan, A. (2017). Improving organizational knowledge management (KM) through cloud based platform in higher education. 2017 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 10-13.
Rubenstein-Montano, B., Liebowitz, J., Buchwalter, J., McCaw, D., Newman, B., & Rebeck, K. (2001). A systems thinking framework for knowledge management. Decision Support Systems, 31(2001), 5-16.
Sanchez-Puchol, F., Pastor-Collado, J. A., & Borrell, B. (2017). Towards an Unified Information Systems Reference Model for Higher Education Institutions. Procedia Computer Science, 121, 542-553.
Secundo, G., Elena- Perez, S., Martinaitis, Ž., & Leitner, K.-H. (2015). An intellectual capital maturity model (ICMM) to improve strategic management in European universities: A dynamic approach. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 16(2), 419-442.
Serenko, A. (2021). A structured literature review of scientometric research of the knowledge management discipline: A 2021 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(8), 1889-1925.
Straujuma, A., & Gaile-Sarkane, E. (2018). An Alumni knowledge management model for sustainable higher education and research institution management. Journal of Business Management, 15, 77-88.
Sunalai, S. (2015). Knowledge Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions in Thailand: A holistic model of enablers, processes, and outcomes [Doctoral]. Texas A&M University.
Svetsky, S., Moravcik, O., Mikulowski, D., & Shyshkina, M. (2020). The Design of IT Support of Intellectual Capital: Examples From the KM-Practice. En M. Evans & A. Wensley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning ICICKM 2020 (pp. 354-362).
Taheri, L., Shafazand, M. Y., Pa, N. C., Abdullah, R., & Abdullah, S. (2017). A knowledge audit model for requirement elicitation: A case study to assess knowledge in requirement elicitation. Knowledge and Process Management, 24(4), 257-268.
Tiwana, A. (2000). The knowledge management toolkit: Practical techniques for building a knowledge management system. Prentice Hall PTR.
vom Brocke, J., Simons, A., Riemer, K., Niehaves, B., Plattfaut, R., & Cleven, A. (2015). Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Challenges and Recommendations of Literature Search in Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37, 205-224.
Wiig, K. M. (1993). Knowledge Management Foundations—Thinking about Thinking—: How people and organizations create, represent, and use knowledge (Texas). Schema Press.
Zabaleta de Armas, M. I., Brito Carrillo, L. E., & Garzón Castrillón, M. A. (2016). Modelo de gestión del conocimiento en el área de TIC para una universidad del caribe colombiano. Revista Lasallista de Investigación, 13(2), 136-150.